Saturday, September 20, 2014

My Two Nightingales

This week the theme is Death, this is a theme that not a lot of people like to talk about, including me. The first time I experience the feelings that death bring to people I was 11 years old. My mom was pregnant of my little brother Uriel. I was so excited about the possibility of having a brother that when my dad told me that my mom lost her baby I couldn't believe it, I remember me crying and then day of the funeral…I really wanted to have a baby brother or sister. But I guess is not always what you want, right? Death is something normal, we all know that someday we'll stop breathing, but people usually die when they are old, I mean that’s what we call normal. I always asked myself, why my brother and why my sister? They were just staring to live.

After Uriel, my mom got pregnant again, but this time it was a baby girl. When she was five months, my mom was hospitalized because things got complicated with her pregnancy and while hospitalized she gave birth to my new sister Lupita. Who live for six days, I remember the first time I saw her in the Hospital Damas, she looked so little and fragile. But it happened again death came and took her back to heaven. This time I had my friends support and they helped me through the acceptance of her leaving. I think this is something important, support, when you are dealing with the departure of someone is always good to have someone by your side supporting you and telling you that everything’s going to be alright.  

I see my two siblings as my nightingales, I'll explain it better, the nightingale is a symbol of the connection between love and death, and in the East Indian mythology it represent departed souls. That’s what they are for me, two departed souls who I will meet when my souls leave this world…

Bibliography(for the meaning of the nightingale):

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