Saturday, November 8, 2014


"We know that we can create a better world through education"- Pencil Of Promise

A pencil is more than stick of wood with lead. A pencil is the symbol of education, and education is what not everyone in this world have.

Every children has the right to learn no matter their race, skin colour, sex, language, etc... The Education is something that everyone should have access to. I know people who had the opportunity to go to school, but they give up, and that is a shame. In many countries children's can't go to school or worst don't have one, and we -Puerto Rican people- have the opportunity but some people prefer to leave school.

I've seen videos and promotions of associations to help build school for kids in: Guatemala, Africa, Costa Rica, and many other places. What really called my attention from this videos are the faces of the kids when they at least get a pencil as an advance of what they will have.

The picture above the last paragraph you read, is from Pencil Of Promise Association. POP-their English initials- help build school for kids and prepare teachers to give a proper education to this child's. I see this things and it make me wish that the people in Puerto Rico and countries, who have the opportunity to go to schools and have free education, see this kind of news and appreciate what they have. The Education is a gift, with it we can learn new things, that will help us in the future to do something big. See what a pencil can do in the life of this kids, imagine what a school, notebook and a classroom will do. 

Let's not take the education for granted, you have the opportunity of education, appreciate it and make use of it. Education is the key for greatness.

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