This blogger project has been an interesting one. Being honest, I never thought I'll be doing this kind of things in college. I've learn more English in a fun way, doing what I love the most -writing-.
After writing all the posts, I've read them once again and have conclude that I shouldn't have named this blog “London Nightingale”. Every time I was going to write something, I play music and then the inspiration came, so I have thought about the name and this blog should have be named “Inspired by Song”. I've notice that my whole life is a song, I do everything with a song in my head, on my iPod, radio... And no matter what I'm doing there's always a song that remind me of something, somewhere or someone. Also, when I'm listening to music my heart is the one who's speaking.
This is the end of “London Nightingale".
Thank you for reading, have a Nice and wonderful life :D
"Just throw a pebble in the water...and make a wave"
Why it's so hard to make people see that something is wrong? When I was little my parents always taught what was right and what wasn't. And for some reason I thought everyone does it with their kids. Now that I've grow up, I've come to realize that I was wrong. Lately I have come to ask myself... Where is humanity?
Some time ago I was at my dad apartment, it was a holiday and people where at the beach with their families, having fun and drinking. I was watching them from the balcony, and I can tell they where having fun...Then after the day was over and the next day come, I went back to the balcony and got a not so desirable surprise. All the beach was full of trash. It wasn't like it was before, and I really...really hated that. I mean if you are going to have fun, then have it. But be conscious that humans are not the only species in the world.
After I saw that mess I took some garbage bags and went down to the beach with my dad... in less than 30 minutes we filled three bags with trash. I feel really mad... I was mad of everyone, and was even more annoyed because this happen in the time of the year where a lot of Carey's come to the island to nest their eggs. I was thinking that in any time, those turtles could come out and eat or get stock into the trash.
I know this not only happen in Puerto Rico, it happen everywhere and we should change it. We have to put or self in the place of others -animals, friends, uncle, aunt, unknown person, your neighbour- and think how we will feel if we are in their places.
For me Humanity is empathy, we humans can be empathic. And I'm sure that if we all learn to be empathic, this world will be a better one and "may never be the same"...
Before I wrote this post I took the lyrics of the song below too literally, but now I've notice that it was more than what I thought...Is about making a change in the world "Just throw a pebble in the water...and make a wave" The pebble is that act that will move the world (in this case the water) and make a change (Make a wave).
"We know that we can create a better world through education"- Pencil Of Promise
A pencil is more than stick of wood with lead. A pencil is the symbol of education, and education is what not everyone in this world have.
Every children has the right to learn no matter their race, skin colour, sex, language, etc... The Education is something that everyone should have access to. I know people who had the opportunity to go to school, but they give up, and that is a shame. In many countries children's can't go to school or worst don't have one, and we -Puerto Rican people- have the opportunity but some people prefer to leave school.
I've seen videos and promotions of associations to help build school for kids in: Guatemala, Africa, Costa Rica, and many other places. What really called my attention from this videos are the faces of the kids when they at least get a pencil as an advance of what they will have.
The picture above the last paragraph you read, is from Pencil Of Promise Association. POP-their English initials- help build school for kids and prepare teachers to give a proper education to this child's. I see this things and it make me wish that the people in Puerto Rico and countries, who have the opportunity to go to schools and have free education, see this kind of news and appreciate what they have. The Education is a gift, with it we can learn new things, that will help us in the future to do something big. See what a pencil can do in the life of this kids, imagine what a school, notebook and a classroom will do.
Let's not take the education for granted, you have the opportunity of education, appreciate it and make use of it. Education is the key for greatness.
doctor’s mission should be not just to prevent death…But also to improve the
quality of life.”
This theme was hard, I honestly had a lot of movies that made an impact in my life specially in my childhood. I went to the living room and search for those movies that a liked as a kid, and when I ended I had in my hands: Soul Surfer, The Blind Side, Believe, Pursuit Of Happiness and the empty movie box of Patch Adams, and well, I can only talk about one. It was really hard to choose, but I finally decided...
I don't know where to start, this movie has been part of my childhood. I remember, when I was little I used to seat in front of the TV and watch this movie over and over again. This movie is based on the true story of Doctor Hunter "Patch" Adams. I think that what I always liked about this movie when I was little, is how he made people laugh, but now that I've watched the movie again I see that is not only the fact that he made them laugh. I like, how he does it and how he make them life better. Patch has his own unique way on making things different and make others feel better. As little I always said I wanted to be a doctor, but well now that I grew up... I don't say it any more. That's definitely not my thing, but want I'm sure of, is that I want to do what Dr.Adams did and do. He make the life of others better.
The doctors and medical professionals didn't like the way Patch treat the patients, but even thought they are against his way of helping others, Patch didn't give up and kept doing what he do best. This is such an inspirational movie because, it also teach that if you have a dream (in this case be a doctor) you shouldn't give up and never let anything stand in your way. Here I'll leave two movie clips where he gave a speech in a trail where his being accused of treating patients without having a licence...
I think this world need more people like him and that doctors should live by this motto "A doctor's mission should be not just to prevent death... But also to improve the quality of life". The day when people around the world stop focusing on their problems and start seeing beyond their noses, we'll have a better world...making others laugh, making good and happy memories, and giving hope to those people who have lost faith and hope.
In my life I have two celebrities that are my role models. I discover with them that celebrities aren't what we think they are, sometimes when you follow someone and know his or her story, you may find a role model, someone that inspire you and make you be a better person.
This first person has gone through a lot of things in live and have made a lot of mistakes, but everyone make mistakes and at one point in their lives regret them.
"I grew up below the poverty line; I didn't have as much as other people did. I think it made me stronger as a person, it built my character."
He -yes is a he- grew up in Canada, he has a family who supported him at everything, when he was little he show to his mother that he has talent, this guy started playing the drums at the age of 2, the piano 6/7 and the guitar at 10. Today he is 20 and one of the most famous guy in the world. Today you may see him and think he is not a good role model because he have been into jail and being caught doing many other things. But behind that bad boy attitude I found my role model. I'm talking about Justin Bieber, I know what you're probably thinking, but have you ever take time to know his story.
He was just another normal kid before he was discover singing on YouTube. When he was little he like to play his guitar in front of the Avon Theatre to help his mother with the payment of the apartment they used to live. After he became famous he started helping others and one time he heard the story of Avalanna, a little girl who was struggling against cancer. And Justin wanted to meet her, they were supposed to spend just a little time together but instead they spend a whole day...
For me she represent Justin Bieber heart. You could see Justin smile whenever he was around her and how much he really care about others, and not only about the fame and money.
“You were born to be some body, maybe a vet, maybe a hero, maybe a care giver. What ever it is you were born to be something special and if you believe you can achieve”
You know that when you're a teen many things happen in your live and you have dreams, that many times people tell you that you can't make them come true or you will never achieve them... before I graduate from high school someone ones told me that I can't do what I wanted to do- I remember that those words really hurt me and they make me think twice before a made a decision- But I remember I took my iPod and play shuffle, and something weird happen. Justin song "Born To Be Somebody" was the first song that was play, I thought it was just coincidence. But then I say, causality happen and if this song appeared is because I have to follow my dreams and do what my heart tells me to do and then I remember what he once said:
He inspired people to follow their dreams and Never give up, this is what I liked the most about him. Because he make me believe in me , in my dreams. He was told that he'll never be able to sell the Madison Square Garden (and he did, because he never give up), Some days before he perform there, he got sick and even thought he was sick, Justin didn't give up and didn't postpone the concert. I've learn a lot of things since I started following him. Justin, like I said before he taught me to follow my dreams, Believe and Help others.
"If anyone tells you that you can’t live the life you imagined, you don’t have to prove them wrong—just keep on working your hardest and know in your heart that you can achieve it. Use their doubtful attitude as motivation."
Now is time for my second role model. This person is my inspiration, she's been through many things in her life and has overcome them. When she was little she was bullied and because of it she commit self harm. But after all that she went through she didn't give up and now she's not only my role model, she's also to others.
And I'm talking about Demi Lovato.
Before that smile appear she was a girl sad, crying and trying to find a way out of the pain, she was dealing with trying to be a role model, when she didn't feel like one and hated being one. Demi kind of had the same schedule "Tour, TV Show, Album, Movie, Tour, TV Show, Album, Movie...and repeat" She didn't have time for her and "It literally end up driving me insane". The last time she end a tour her parent knew she needed help and make her go to a treatment center.
Today Demi is using her story to help other, and tell them that "Life is precious and its what you do with it that keeps you alive on the inside. It's not enough just to live and take that gift for granted. Each one of us has fears, but the more we work to overcome them, the more we are able to enjoy our lives" Demi learn to Stay Strong and fight against whatever bothers you, and this is what I like the most about her, she is not only another celebrity. She's making a diference in the life of many people: Kids, teen, adults, elderly, homosexual...everyone.
I also admire her for the passion she put in what she does and how her songs lyrics mean and get to the people who hear it.
I think this was all for today, thank you and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it :)
By: Demi Lovato
"Go ahead and believe that no one shines brighter than you. Become amazing, and be happy"
“Love is Louder than the Pressure to be Perfect”
“There’s no point to living life unless you make history and the best way to make history is to help others.”
“Be who you are and don't allow anyone to affect the confidence you have in your individuality.”
“Go where you are wanted and stray away from where you aren't. Surround yourself with positive people and environments.”
“Make sure you aren't living out your fears, but releasing them. Try to remember that there is a purpose for every hardship or opportunity in your life.”
“Even if you don't believe in God and you're praying to the Universe, you're being honest with yourself. Putting your energy into the world shows that you are open to change, to learn, and to receive help.”
"You deserve all the happiness in the world, so pursue it with all the madness and passion in your soul.”
By: Justin Bieber “I'm looking forward to influencing others in a positive way. My message is you can do anything if you just put your mind to it.” “never say never see what is possible if you never give up” “I'm telling you, people. Everyday we wake up is another blessing. Follow your dreams and don't let anyone stop you.” “In life you will make mistakes and people will try and tear u down...but u gotta stay positive. Stay strong..and learn to be better..and..always live to serve others and The Lord.” “so many people will tell you that you can't, but all you gotta do is turn around and say "Watch me” “No matter how talented you are, not everyone is going to like you but that's life, stay strong”
What is the media?,
Pros and Cons, Famous people and the Media
The Media is everywhere, you find it in the TV, radio,
magazines, newspapers, billboards, internet…-I think you got it, right? ;)-.
These types of Medias are intended to disseminate messages/news to inform
people. The media is something that has evolve through the years,
especially with the invention of the Internet. With the Internet the news run
faster and in one second a person from Alaska can know what’s going on in the
Middle East. The media has it pros and cons:
-It inform people, let them
communicate with others/interact, it also help find criminals, students do
better in school, better quality of life, generate employments
-Make people fear, cause accidents and sometimes
the media doesn’t tell the whole truth- most of the time it happen to the
famous people-,some students don’t use
it for school works and instead use facebook, twitter, instagram…etc.
Now, Famous People
and the Media
I'm kind of obsess with knowing everything about the celebrities I like, but there’s something that I always hated when I read a
“breaking news”, I don’t like when people speculate and spread false rumors,
making the singers, actors, socialite… look bad and at the end of the day it comes out
that it was all a lie. Also, sometimes the medias says that someone die when
it’s not true. “He (media) wanna write my obituary”-Michael Jackson, Breaking
News Song.
Some singers wrote songs about this theme and how they felt
about being stalked the whole time and hearing false rumors, for example: Miley
Cyrus, Fly on The wall- the Fly is the paparazzi-, Michael Jackson, Monster and
Breaking News, The Fratellis, Tell me a lie, Rihana, S&M.
Those are examples of songs that talk about how the singers
felt and think about the media, and it also let us know that we shouldn’t
believe everything that it’s said in the internet, news, newspaper…
How would you feel if you where famous and you have someone
behind you the whole time taking pictures and saying false things about you?
I don't want to say that the media is a bad thing, but when is too much is too much.
When I hear the word "war" the first thing that comes to my mind is this cruel scenario of people killing each other for a "good purpose"-yeah right-. And being honest, since a read that I had to write about this subject, I hated it. But then I say " I don't have to write about that type of war, I mean there are different kind of wars, right?" I wanted to talk about a different war and find it a positive side, so I thought about it and then I came up with this tittle "Warrior- You Are The Winner". By warrior I don't mean the person who fight in the war we're used to hear about, what I mean is the person who have had a war with himself or herself. This is the type of war that I'm pretty sure a lot of people have experienced, maybe because they where bullied, abused, depressed, self harmed or just because they weren't sure about something. And this is the war that make you stronger, is the only war that have a winner...
This Inner war is about you fighting with yourself but rather than letting it take you down sometimes you have to accept the fact that you have been hurted, that you had a past and now you're becoming stronger from it all and you've learned from it. If you overcome this war, you're becoming a part of your future and whatever hurts you before can't do it any more.When you move on from that war that once held you down your becoming a Warrior. This war is powerful than the war we're use to hear abut, because this inner war can make you do things you never thought you were capable of...
I want to encourage people to stop this war, this war that have many warriors, some that have overcome it and some that still fighting. This warriors will always have the past with them, but remember that you won't let it hurt you again, because you're a Warrior and you are a winner, and like I said before this is the only war that have a winner and that winner is you.
This post was inspired by Demi Lovato's song Warrior.
This week the theme is Death, this is a theme that not a lot
of people like to talk about, including me. The first time I experience the
feelings that death bring to people I was 11 years old. My mom was pregnant of
my little brother Uriel. I was so excited about the possibility of having a
brother that when my dad told me that my mom lost her baby I couldn't believe
it, I remember me crying and then day of the funeral…I really wanted to have a
baby brother or sister. But I guess is not always what you want, right? Death
is something normal, we all know that someday we'll stop breathing, but people
usually die when they are old, I mean that’s what we call normal. I always
asked myself, why my brother and why my sister? They were just staring to live.
After Uriel, my mom got pregnant again, but this time it was
a baby girl. When she was five months, my mom was hospitalized because things
got complicated with her pregnancy and while hospitalized she gave birth to my
new sister Lupita. Who live for six days, I remember the first time I saw her
in the Hospital Damas, she looked so little and fragile. But it happened again
death came and took her back to heaven. This time I had my friends support and
they helped me through the acceptance of her leaving. I think this is something
important, support, when you are dealing with the departure of someone is
always good to have someone by your side supporting you and telling you that everything’s
going to be alright.
I see my two siblings as my nightingales, I'll explain it
better, the nightingale is a symbol of the connection between love and death,
and in the East Indian mythology it represent departed souls. That’s what they
are for me, two departed souls who I will meet when my souls leave this world…
Well like I said in the introduction the first week is Happiness. Lets start with it definition, happiness is "the quality or State of being happy" (Dictionary definition)-ugh this is starting to sound like health class-. Press [Rewing] and lets start with...
- What is Happiness for me?
My cousins.
- Why?
Well that's easy, without them my life is not complete. They make me laugh and no matter what they're always by my side. My cousins, they are like my clowns and I definitely can't live without them. Now I'm going to tell you something about all my cousins, so you get to know them a little.
Starting with Edgar Yaniel:
This one here is the hyperactive Edgar, he is the oldest cousin(boy). He is 7 years old, soon he'll be 8, this little man right here ---->
is the sweetest kids that you can ever met.
Yesterday, he was hospitalized and I went with my aunt and him to the hospital, I was so worried about him because I'm use to see him happy, running around the house, singing and dancing. But yesterday it wasn't one of those days. Thank God he is now feeling better and resting at his home.
Now lets talk about Angeles. Her name says it all, she's our little angel. Angeles is my 12 years old cousin.
This little person is very special in my life, we are more than cousins. WE ARE SISTERS, Angeles and I can seat a whole day side by side just listening to music (Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato, Marco Antonio Solis...) and watching movies (Thinker Bell Movies), except for the days when she's feeling like she doesn't want anyone by her side. ( Believe me in those days you wouldn't want to seat by her side) But still, I love her. <3
Now is Zadquiel David's turn. He is my littlest cousin, we calls him Zeque and he's so cute. Since he is the little one Danielee, Angeles and I like to annoy him, specially because he get mad quickly, but still, we love him and he knows it.
Now is time for Danielee, I don't now what can I said about her, she's so special in my life that I have a lot of words to describe her and I don't know with what I should start. She's been in my life since I'm 3 years old and we have so much story to tell. When we where little Danielee and I started a cousins club call "Naughty Cousins" (It sound better in Spanish "Primos Travieso"). You must be wondering what is this club about? Well it easy the objective of this club is to do pranks and be naughty. There's one prank that I'll never forget and that I'm going to tell you now.
One day Danielee and I where at our grandparents house with them, my mom and Aunt Leslie (Angeles mom). Dany and I took an empty suitcase and pretend that we where leaving the house forever, we went out of the house and straight to my mom's car, Danielee and I hide in the third row of seat where no one can see us and stayed there for a few minutes. But something went wrong, my mom got in the car, she started it and then start driving. While she was driving she got a call from grandma, telling her that she couldn't find us, we tried not to laugh in the back seat but it was impossible. Danielle and I where still in pajamas and when we revealed ourself, we got a big speech from my mom and I don't remember if they punish us, but still this one was the best mischief we've ever done. hahaha :)
These are my cousins, and they are my Happiness. :)
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Hi!!! Before I start this Blog let me introduce myself... My name is Maria Santiago, I'm from the small Island of Puerto Rico. This is my first Blog and also my first post. I am supposed to create this for two reasons, first to get a good grade in English class and second... wait there is no second reason. XD. I'm ought to upload a weekly post, these post will be about the theme of the week, for example my first week I have to write about "Happiness" (I can't wait to start writing about it :D). and that's how it works: Week 1: Happiness Week 2: Death :( Week 3: War Week 4: Religion Week 5: Marriage Week 6: Media Week 7: A celebrity (oooohhhhhh this one is my favorite) Week 8: Movies Week 9: Education Week 10: The world Now that you know which are the themes, let me explain to you the tittle of my Blog "London Nightingale". You must be wondering, what does London has to do with a Nightingale? Honestly nothing, the reason why I picked this tittle is because I love London and because the tittle of my favorite song is "Nightingale". By the way, have you ever heard that song? No? then you should, Demi Lovato sings it and it's has a great significance. Anyway, I hope you like my Blog and welcome to "London Nightingale". PS. 1
Lets start this Blog with a short video of London. (click on the video Below)
PS. 2
Here's the Nightingale song, Just in case you want to hear it.